Monday, April 23, 2012

The Overcomers Resolve

There are ALWAYS excuses, small and great, good ones and really good ones, but until you resolve to be an overcomer you will continue to be overcome.

Circumstance is circumstance no matter how you look at it. There are massive circumstances where seemingly everything and everyone is caving in on you at once, and there are circumstances where you're short a few bucks for lunch, or you lost your keys or something. No matter that the situation or circumstance we must realize that we are:
1) Fully equipped to weather anything with JOY and a glad and faithful countenance (I John 4:4, Gal. 5:22-25, Acts 16:22-26).
2) We are mandated by the Lord Jesus, as a blood bought child of God, to live as such (John 14:21, II Cor. 13:5, I Cor. 6:20).

As a great man of God once said, "There is only the divine ways of God. The rest is a developing mess!" Let us resolve today to never again be overcome by circumstance and realize that the 'greater is He that is in me' factor has enabled me to have a joyful and faith filled countenance in the worst of situations.

Father, teach me to look to you for the solution instead of looking to the circumstance for the reason why I can't!

Philippians 4:13, I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ Jesus who is my source of strength!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The "ME" Problems Disappear

There are far too many of God's people stuck living in a realm of self interest. Most don't even realize it. I call it "The Me Realm". 

Too many believe that if they could somehow get rid of their problems, get more money, sort this thing out over there, fix that relationship up over here, etc. etc. that THEN they would be freed up to begin to activate in the house of God and start doing something to serve the body instead of be a dead weight. The combination of years of wrong teachings, wrong models, and immaturity in the Word of God (aka - THE BIBLE) has doctrinized many right into a form of mental & emotional imprisonment. All the while the Lord is waiting for us to simply take the initiative (James 4:8) and step out of "The Me Realm" and into the glory realm that he purchased for us and gave to us when He died and rose again. 

Simply put, when our focus is taken off of ourselves and directed toward the things that the Father is concerned with all of those "Me Problems" fall by the wayside and our lives begin to transform into a flourishing garden of peace and satisfaction in Him alone.

It's like the old revival hymn says, "Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

Love you all,
Joel DB