Monday, May 7, 2012

The Great Deception

I will look to the word of God for the example of a holy Christian lifestyle, not to our society. Therefore, I will not be deceived & lost.

We are living in a day & age where iniquity & complacency has not only been accepted into the once holy Christian society in this country but it is now even being defended as the standard. Christian churches embrace alcoholic intoxication and the homosexual culture as if they would be accepted into glory by a Holy Father. Brothers are fighting against brothers. Children are rebelling against their parents. We live in utter chaos. Yet there still remains a remedy. HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD!

We, the blood bought people of God, must humble ourselves and accept the hard truth that by looking to our surroundings for God's standard is a monumental failure from the start. The Word of God (THE BIBLE) must serve as the plumb line in this life as we walk before Him, completely relying on God the Holy Spirit, to lead us among the straight and narrow path that IS the ONLY way to heaven! Does not the word of God state in Matthew 7:13-14 that there are only 2 roads in this life: The broad road where MANY travel by which leads to eternal destruction, and the narrow road which only few find and which is the only road leading to heaven.

Let us determine to look to God's word for our standard. Let us consecrate afresh to examine our lives in accordance with how the bible tells us to live before the Lord and not by what is the example all around us. This is the only sure way to make heaven and to right now enjoy all of the benefits that Christ Jesus has purchased for us with His own blood.

Love you,