There exists a spectrum of pride. On one end of this spectrum there is the proud, haughty, arrogant and conceaded manifestation of pride. It boasts in how much better it is than everyone else. It's only agenda is to proclaim how it stands alone, so much better than others.
On the opposite end of this spectrum there is the sorrowful, fearful, pouty, insecure, the "oh poor me" manifestation of pride. It wallows in demonic thoughts that insists that it is so much worse off than everyone else. It craves that everyone feel sorrow for it as it mopes about feeling as if no one else in the world knows how they feel. It's only agenda is to proclaim how it stands alone, so much worse than others.
No matter what form pride manifests in a person it's common characteristic remains the same: seclusion. This central characteristic to this demonic spirit is completely opposite of heavens counterpart, humility. Humility always seeks to be numbered among the congregation. Humility always seeks to give recognition and praise to the Lord rather than itself; it desires that He alone gets the glory. Humility's only agenda is to proclaim how Jesus Christ stands alone, the only one truly worthy of honor and recognition.
Remembering this simple truth will revolutionize the way we deal with pride in our own lives when it tries to propogate it's demonic influence on us. Seclusion is demonic, but humility, love and the mind of Christ seek to be continually surrounded by a company of saints who all give the glory and honor to Christ Jesus.
Be Blessed,
Joel David Beauchamp
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