Monday, September 23, 2013

Faith Goggles

To psychoanalyze another human being, to believe that we know what they're thinking and how they're feeling and why they make the decisions that they make based on what we think their experiences have been, is human nature.  

The problem with this is that no human being really knows how to psychoanalyze another. Outside of the word of knowledge we are clueless lol.  

***The challenge, and simultaneously the mandate from the Lord, is to see our fellow believers in the finished work of the Cross. To see them fully matured and walking in the full anointing that God has planned and purposed for their life.  

To see life through this perspective makes everything easier: forgiving is easy when you look through the eyes of love. Mercy to those who seemingly don't deserve mercy becomes easy when you look through the eyes of love.  

Exercise this, I guarantee it will change your life.  

***Ephesians 1:3, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath (past tense) blessed us with ALL spiritual blessings in heavenly blessings in spiritual places.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

No One Ever Hears the Back Door

I am absolutely convinced that there is a massive group of hungry believers that crave the holiness, live free from sin message. I refuse to believe that people leave churches because the message is too raw.  

***People leave churches because of the disconnect, because of no personal relationships. Because they are neglected and not brought into "the family". PERIOD!  
God designed human beings to be on fire in the fire of his presence. So the notion that people leave churches because they can't handle the message does not work for me. If there were relationships with the members of that church going on then people would remain there and adjust to the message!  

Take a moment and perform this exercise: Think of the members within your church whom you have watched change and grow from glory to glory throughout the years. Think of how they have matured year-over-year. Now with these specific members in your mind think of if they are a part of an actual family of friends within that church or are they pretty much loners? I would be willing to bet anything that the members that stay throughout the years stay because they are a part of that body on a practical level, and thus being in the meetings throughout the years has caused them to grow.  

Saints, it's time for "the family" to start acting like one!  

***The approach of "Everyone else's problems are everyone else's problems" & "Im living in this place of glory. You can come join me here if you want to but I'm not coming to you" is a cancer in the growth of the local church.  

Galatians 6:1-2 KJV Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.  

Love you all,